Easy Hot Key allows you to use keyboard shortcuts to simplify some recurring tasks such as closing an application, creating a new folder, opening a website, shutting down the computer, and more.
To do this, you need to follow a few simple steps: open the program, select an action from the list, and assign a hotkey for it. After this, the action is ready to be executed.
You can use any keyboard key such as letters, numbers, special keys, or the combination of them. You only have to avoid using hotkeys already reserved by Windows because they may not work.
There is a total of 33 actions that can be executed but, in my opinion, too many hot keys can be hard to remember. Nevertheless, the program allows you to save the hotkeys assigned to a file and load them later.
Among other things, you can configure the access for limited users, assign a hotkey to activate or deactivate all hotkeys, load the program at system startup and change the color scheme.
So with this small program you can take more advantage of the keyboard shortcuts and perform many of the usual tasks more efficiently.
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